Will Kynes
My Psalm Has Turned into Weeping
Job's Dialogue with the Psalms
de Gruyter, 2012, 244 Seiten, Gebunden,
89,95 EUR
Drawing inspiration from the widely
recognized parody of Ps 8:5 in
Job 7:17-18, this study inquires whether
other allusions to the Psalms might likewise contribute to the dialogue
between Job, his friends, and God. An intertextual analysis reveals six
psalms (1, 8, 39, 73, 107, 139) that serve as subtexts in the Job
dialogue. The dialogue thus created between Job and these psalms
indicates the concern the book has with the proper response to suffering
and the role the interpretation of authoritative texts may play in that
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Band 437 |