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Versandbuchhandlung für Evangelische Theologie

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Übersichtsseite Religionen
Weltreligionen allgemein
Abrahamitische Religionen
Klöster - Orden
Christentum / Islam
Christentum / Judentum
Judentum / Zionismus
Fernöstliche Religionen
Biographien von Gründerpersonen religiöser Gemeinschaften
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Global Religion - Religion global

Mit der Globalisierung entstehen zunehmend komplexe Abhängigkeiten auch auf der kulturellen Ebene. Identitäten und Weltanschauungen verändern sich daher mit einer zunehmenden Dynamik, die nur mit Blick sowohl auf die lokale Tradition als auch die interkulturell-globale Dimension verstanden werden kann. Dies gilt insbesondere für Religionen und religiöse Phänomene. Die Reihe Global Religion | Religion global stellt sich dieser für die Moderne typischen reflexiven Verschränkung, indem sie durch eine kulturanalytische Perspektive geprägt ist, die Religionen, religiöse Phänomene und Weltanschauungen der heutigen Zeit in ihrer komplexen Verwobenheit reflektiert. Theologisch fundiert ist sie dadurch, dass (religiöse) Überzeugungen auch von innen heraus betrachtet und verstanden werden. Inhaltlich werden in der Reihe Studien und Sammelbände aufgenommen, die lokale Situationen in ihrer religiös-weltanschaulichen Prägung oder überregionale/globale religiöse Phänomene mit Bezug zur heutigen Situation bearbeiten. Damit soll ein Mosaik entstehen, das anhand einzelner Untersuchungen tiefgründig die heutige Welt in ihren aktuellen weltanschaulich-religiösen Dynamiken erfasst.

With globalization, increasingly complex interdependencies are also emerging at the cultural level. Identities and worldviews are therefore changing with increasing dynamism, which can only be understood with a view to both the local tradition and the intercultural-global dimension. This is especially true for religions and religious phenomena. The series Global Religion | Religion global confronts this reflexive entanglement, which is typical for modernity, by being characterized by a cultural-analytical perspective that reflects religions, religious phenomena, and worldviews of today in their complex interconnectedness. It is theologically grounded in that (religious) convictions are also viewed and understood from within. In terms of content, the series includes studies and anthologies that deal with local situations in their religious-ideological character or supra-regional/global religious phenomena with reference to today’s situation. In this way, a mosaic is to be created which, on the basis of individual studies, profoundly grasps today’s world in its current ideological-religious dynamics.
978-3-506-79628-8 Leita Ngoy
Prosperity Gospel Redefined
The Impact of Charismatisation of the Mainline Churches in Tanzania
Ferdinand Schöningh, 2025, 200 Seiten, Hardcover,
99,00 EUR Warenkorb
Global Religion - Religion global Band 5
This book provides an in-depth discussion of the cultural and missional implications of the explosion of charismatic Christianity on mainline denominations in Africa. The book proposes that the charismatization of mainline churches is a contextual, missional, and transcultural phenomenon that enriches and invigorates African Christian communities. Focused on the experience of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania and using Prosperity Gospel as an example, the book explores how some mainline churches are being enriched by adopting practices of charismatic Christianity. It proposes a holistic and contextual understanding of the Prosperity Gospel, understood as the mafanikio gospel in Tanzania, as a relevant theological resource for Lutherans in Dar-es-Salaam. In doing so, it intends to contribute to the needed paradigm shift in theological discourses around Prosperity Gospel to challenge stereotypical criticisms that label it false and misleading.
978-3-506-79133-7 Selina R. Stone
The Spirit and The Body
Towards a Womanist Pentecostal Social Justice Ethic
Ferdinand Schöningh, 2023, 230 Seiten, Hardcover,
118,00 EUR Warenkorb
Global Religion - Religion global Band 4
This book represents the first monograph in womanist theological ethics and pentecostalism from within Europe. Despite its designation as an 'embodied faith', this book argues that both historically and in the present, classical pentecostalism often fails to integrate the body with spirituality in ways which attend to the hierarchies which oppress certain bodies in the church and the wider world. Looking back to the African and Wesleyan roots of the movement to explore this tension, the book then draws on qualitative as well as textual research, to analyse classical progressive pentecostalism in Britain today which models an integrated pentecostal faith to an extent, but retains inconsistencies. Finally, a womanist pentecostal theology is being constructed, which calls attention to the Spirit and the body - especially the bodies of the oppressed - as a path towards a holistic understanding of the work of the Spirit and pentecostal faith and ministry.
978-3-506-79020-0 Izak Y. M. Lattu
Rethinking Interreligious Dialogue
Orality, Collective Memory, and Christian-Muslim Engagements in Indonesia
Schöningh, 2023, 228 Seiten, Hardcover,
118,00 EUR Warenkorb
Global Religion - Religion global Band 3
This book’s central argument is that oral forms of collective memory in Christian-Muslim engagements in orally-oriented societies are more effective than interreligious dialogue through the dominant written text based on elite-based concepts. The approach has dominated interreligious interactions. From the perspective of the social scientific study of interreligious encounters & collective memory in folklore studies, this book explores how orality and social remembrance articulated through folksong, oral narrative, and ritual performance strengthen interreligious engagements in the post-conflict society. The approach proposed in this book reclaims interreligious engagements based on the local Indonesian dynamic preserved in ritual performance, oral narrative, and folksong. This method articulates a contextualized interreligious engagement grounded in local culture.
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978-3-506-70839-7 Bernhard Grümme
Globale Christentümer
Theologische und religionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Schöningh, 2022, 328 Seiten, Hardcover,
99,00 EUR Warenkorb
Global Religion - Religion global Band 2
Das Buch diskutiert Herausforderungen von Einheit, Vielfalt, Globalität, Migration, Entkolonisierung und Konflikten im Feld globaler Christentümer.
Die Studien eröffnen ein interdisziplinäres Feld der Untersuchung von christlichen Formen, Diskursen und Praktiken weltweit und loten verschiedene Theorien und Zugänge aus Religionswissenschaft, Theologie, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften sowie der Diasporaforschung aus. In den Blick genommen werden die Polyzentrik des Christentums, transkulturalisierende und hybridisierende Dynamiken und Spannungsfelder von Inkulturation und Mission, Globalität und Lokalität, Universalität und Partikularität.
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978-3-506-79349-2 Kenneth Centano
Renegotiating the Sacred
A Search Towards a New Way of Understanding the Filipino Consciousness of God
Schöningh, 2022, 502 Seiten, Hardcover,
129,00 EUR Warenkorb
Global Religion - Religion global Band 1
This philosophical exploration navigates the slippery terrains of the Sacred between Secularism and Fundamentalism. Renegotiating the Sacred attempts to map out the landscape of religious consciousness of the Filipinos in contemporary time by critically rereading both the Western and local thinkers who grappled with this theme. By contesting the predominance of the binary ‘profane-sacred’ as lens of interpretation, especially when it comes to philosophy of religion, this multi-disciplinary research tries to unravel the knots and knurls of the sacred and its entanglement into the dizzying web of socio-cultural structures, political tensions, economic marginalization, and philosophical-theological questions.
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