Journal of Ancient Judaism (JAJ),
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht |

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The Journal of Ancient Judaism (JAJ)
addresses all issues of Jewish literature, culture, religion, and
history from the Babylonian exile until the Babylonian Talmud. As a
cross disciplinary journal it is of interest for all those concerned
with Biblical, Jewish, religious, cultural and historical studies. JAJ
focuses on contributions which cover more wide ranging topics but are
argued in detail nevertheless. It hence encourages the submission of
extensive articles (up to 80 pages). JAJ will appear three times per
year. Each issue of approx. 140 pages will comprise an article section
of 120 pages and a review section of 20 pages. Each year, JAJ will
include one theme issue which will be dedicated to issues and or text
which are at the cutting edge of Jewish studies. The articles section
aims to publish articles dedicated to questions and themes in each of
the periods addressed by the journal. The review section aims at
comprehensiveness and will review about 200 books each year. For each
book a brief summary of a quarter to a third of printed page will be
given, which highlights its most important achievements. The most
important books (one or two per year) will be discussed in extensive
review article of approx. 10 pages. As a peer reviewed journal
submissions to JAJ will be reviewed anonymously by members of the
journal’s advisory board. Submissions are accepted in English, German,
and French although the majority of the published articles will be
written in English.
Maxine L. Grossman is Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and
Religious Studies at the University of Maryland. Her teaching
responsibilities include Hebrew Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Second
Temple Judaism; Judaism and gender; and introductory and upper level
courses on religious studies, world religions, and methods and theories
in the study of religion. Her most recent research addresses the Dead
Sea Scrolls from the perspective of gender studies.
Armin Lange is Professor of Second Temple Judaism and Director of the
Institute for Jewish Studies at the University of Vienna. His classes
cover the timespan from the beginnings of Israel and Judah until the
Second Jewish war. In his research he specializes on Israel’s sapiential
and prophetic literature, as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the
canonical and textual history of the Hebrew Bible. He is a member of the
international team editing the Dead Sea Scrolls. |
Hannah K. Harrington The Purity and Sanctuary of the Body
in Second Temple Judaism
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
2019, 488 Seiten, hardcover, 978-3-525-57128-6 110,00
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 33
This study traces the emergence of the concept of
the body as a sanctuary from its biblical roots to its expressions
in late Second Temple Judaism. Harrington‘s hypothesis is that the
destruction of the first Jerusalem temple was a catalyst for a new
reality vis-à-vis the temple and the emergence of increased emphasis
on the holiness of the people along with concomitant standards of
purity in a certain stream of Judaism. The study brings into relief
elements of this attitude from exilic texts, e.g. Ezekiel, to
Ezra-Nehemiah, the Dead Sea Scrolls and other Second Temple Jewish
texts, including early Jesus and Pauline traditions. The goal is to
provide a history of the concept of the body-cum-temple metaphor
which comes to its fullest expression in the letters of Paul to the
Corinthians. The concept of the body as a sanctuary as it comes
to fruition in late second temple Judaism must be understood within
the conceptual world of Jewish holiness of the time. The metaphor of
the temple provides a frame of reference but only a close analysis
of the concepts of holiness, purity, and impurity and the dynamics
between them can provide depth and distinction. Of particular
importance, critical to proper understanding of the temple metaphor,
are the notions of the elect, holy status of Israel and its possible
desecration by wrongful sexual relations, the loss of the temple and
the ripple effect of creating at least temporary substitutes for
processes of the cult, the widespread concern in Second Temple
Judaism for ritual purity in support of greater holiness, and a
desire among Jews for the residence and agency of the spirit of
Leseprobe |
Paul Heger Institutionalized Routine Prayers at Qumran:
Fact or Assumption?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019,
288 Seiten, hardcover, 978-3-525-57131-6 110,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 32 This book challenges scholars’ assumption, without any
explicit evidence, of institutionalized public prayer with fixed
contents and times in the Qumran community. As the book observes,
this assumption rests in part on a failure to distinguish between
voluntary supplication prayers and biblically mandated blessings and
thanks. The book closely examines the three Qumran writings assumed
to typify prayer and critiques scholars’ attempts to deduce the
existence of public prayer from these and other sources, which are
most likely pious expressions of individual authors. The lack of
indispensable instructions for institutionalized prayer offers
circumstantial evidence that such prayer was not practiced at
Qumran. This study also explores the assumption that Qumran prayer
was intended as a substitute for sacrifices after the group’s
separation from the temple cult and discusses relevant rabbinic
statements. The innovative character of rabbinic fixed prayer is
discussed and identified as an element of the fundamental
transformation of Jewish theology and practice from worship founded
on sacrificial rituals performed by priests at the Jerusalem Temple
to abstract, unmediated, direct approaches to God by every Jew in
any location. The book also examines Samaritan prayer and detects a
variety of attitudes, rules, and customs similar to those found at
Qumran that are incompatible with their rabbinic counterparts. This
opens the door for investigating religious belief and practice at a
crucial period in the history of Western civilization, namely,
before the vast rabbinic reform of Judaism after 70 CE.
Leseprobe |
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer Prophecy and Its Cultic Dimensions
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 208 Seiten,
hardcover, 978-3-525-57086-9 85,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 31 This collection of eight essays deals with a wide
range of historical, literary, and methodological issues. First,
what were the links between the cultic and the prophetic personnel?
Did prophets have ritual/cultic functions in temples? Did prophetic
actions and/or utterances play a role in the performance of the
cult? What were the ritual aspects of divinations? Second, how do
literary texts describe the interaction between prophecy and cult?
Third, how can various theories (e.g. religious theory, performance
theory) enable us to reach a better understanding of the interplay
between divination and cultic ritual in ancient Israel and the wider
ancient Near East? Marian Broida explores the ritual elements as
described in the biblical accounts of intercession. Lester Grabbe
revisits the important question of whether cultic prophecy existed
in the Jerusalem temple in ancient Israel. Anja Klein maintains that
while Psalms 81 and 95 may indirectly testify to a form of cultic
prophecy, they do not themselves constitute cultic prophecy.
Jonathan Stökl discusses the notion of “triggering” prophecy and
suggests that enquiring of Yhwh may in itself be understood as a
kind of ritualised behaviour. John Hilber considers the performance
of the rituals that accompanied prophetic affirmation of victory in
the Egyptian cult. Martti Nissinen looks more broadly at the
question whether prophets in the ancient world functioned as ritual
performers. Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer investigates the priests’ mediating
and predictive functions as depicted in the Deuteronomistic History.
Alex Jassen argues that Jews in the Second Temple Period perceived
the priests and the temple to be a new locus of prophetic activity.
Leseprobe |
Tzvi Novick Piyyut and Midrash Form, Genre,
and History Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 240 Seiten, hardcover,
978-3-525-57080-7 99,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 30 Novick studies the relationship between rabbinic
midrash and classical (and to a lesser extent pre-classical) piyyut.
The first focuses on features of piyyut that distinguish it, at
least prima facie, from rabbinic midrash: its performative
character, its formal constraints, and its character as prayer. The
second part considers midrash and piyyut together via an analysis of
a narrative form that looms large in both corpora. The “serial
narrative” is a narrative that binds biblical history together by
stringing together instance of the “same” event across multiple time
periods. Thereby, Novick surveys basic features of serial narratives
in midrash and piyyut. Subsequent chapters take up instance of
specific serial narrative forms from Second Temple literature to
piyyut: the kingdom series, the salvation history, and the serial
confession. Together, the two parts yield a nuanced account of the
continuities and discontinuities between the two great corpora
produced by rabbinic and para-rabbinic circles in Roman Palestine.
Leseprobe |
Bronson Brown-deVost Commentary and Authority in
Mesopotamia and Qumran
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
2018, 312 Seiten, hardcover, 978-3-525-54072-5 99,00
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 29 How did the written word serve as an authoritative
source in the ancient world? What does it mean that some works
became so popular as to merit dedicated interpretive commentaries?
And does any direct relationship exist between the various methods
of interpretation and styles of composition in these commentaries?
The present work sets out to provide some solid answers to such
questions. At the heart of this book stands a comparative
analysis of ancient cuneiform commentary texts from mid-to-late
first millennium Mesopotamia and early Jewish commentaries—known as
pesharim—from the turn of the common era found in caves near Khirbet
Qumran. Though some aspects of Mesopotamian hermeneutics may have
influenced Jewish exegesis, likely through Jewish Aramaic scribes,
the actual Mesopotamian practice of composing commentary texts
exerted little-to-no influence on the compositional techniques of
the pesharim. Nevertheless, many textual difficulties in the Qumran
pesharim can be explained as the result of an accretion of
interpretations over an extended period of time—a practice detailed
in the textual record of the Mesopotamian commentaries. What is
more, these commentaries reveal important evidence about both the
way in which and the extent to which such works functioned as
authoritative sources. As a result, this book advocates a shift away
from discussing textual authority in simple binary terms, both in
ancient and modern contexts, to functional descriptions of literary
Leseprobe Dr. Bronson Brown-deVost, PhD, is
Post-doc-Researcher in the German-Israeli Joint project “Scripta
Qumranica Electronica” at the University of Göttingen and was
Lecturer for Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University
in Waltham/USA. |
Michaela Bauks Gender and Social Norms in Ancient
Israel, Judaism and Christianity: Texts and Material Culture
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 424 Seiten, with ca.
55 fig., hardcover, 978-3-525-55267-4 130,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 28
The aim of the present
conference volume is to study the interrelationship of literary and
material approaches to historical investigation of gender.
Paradigmatically the significance and meaning of gender and
sexuality is explored in the context of private and public,
religious and secular spaces. Historical, cultural, and social
norms (and deviations) of daily life are examined through the lens
of textual, archaeological, and art historical investigations to
interpret relics of ancient Israelite, Jewish, and Christian
communities from the Iron Age through Late Antiquity. Scholars
from varied disciplines such as biblical and classical archaeology,
epigraphy, Old and New Testament exegesis and religious studies
assembled to engage in a dialogue involving both texts and material
Leseprobe |
J. Cornelis de Vos You Shall Not Kill The
Prohibition of Killing in Ancient Religions and Cultures
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017, 320 Seiten, 4 Abbildungen, hardcover,
978-3-525-55268-1 99,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 27 Die Tötung von Menschen wird in vielen biblischen
Texten thematisiert. Locus classicus ist das Tötungsverbot im
Dekalog (Ex
20,13; Dtn 5,17). Im Kontext von Krieg oder als Strafe für
schwerwiegende Verbrechen erschien die Tötung eines Menschen für die
Verfasser der biblischen Texte wohl kaum problematisch. Gott selbst
wird als jemand beschrieben, der das Töten von Personen anordnet und
Menschen töten für ihn. Manchmal ist es sogar Gott selbst, der
tötet. Andere biblische Aussagen und Traditionen sperren sich
gegenüber dieser Sicht: Wurde der Mensch nicht nach dem Bild Gottes
geschaffen (Gen 1,26-27; 9,6)? Die Gottähnlichkeit des Menschen
impliziert das Verbot, einen Menschen zu töten. In diesem Kontext
steht bekanntlich auch das 5. Gebot des Dekalog: „Du sollst nicht
töten!“ Die zentrale Frage des vorliegenden Bandes ist, ob und
wie biblische und nicht-biblische Tötungsverbote als Norm in der
Antike funktionieren. Beiträge aus den Bereichen des
altorientalischen und antiken Rechts, der Bibelwissenschaft, der
alten Geschichte, des antiken Judentums und der frühen
Kirchengeschichte geben Einblicke in diese bis heute aktuelle
Thematik. Fachkundige Experten behandeln das Tötungsverbot, indem
sie die zentralen Frage- und Problemstellungen, die sich in
altorientalischer, patristischer und mittelalterlicher Zeit
unterschiedlich darstellen, kritisch beleuchten und diskutieren.
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe |
Lance R. Hawley Metaphor Competition in the Book of Job
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 260 Seiten, 4
Abbildungen, hardcover, 978-3-525-53135-8 99,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 26 Within the book of Job,
the interlocutors (Job, the friends, and Yahweh) seem to largely
ignore one another’s arguments. This observation leads some to
propose that the dialogue lacks conceptual coherence. Lance Hawley
argues that the interlocutors tangentially and sometimes overtly
attend to previously stated points of view and attempt to persuade
their counterparts through the employment of metaphor. Hawley
uses the theoretical approach of Conceptual Metaphor Theory to trace
the concepts of speech and animals throughout the dialogue. Beyond
explaining the individual metaphors in particular texts, he shows
how speech metaphors compete with one another, most perceptibly in
the expressions of job’s words are wind. With regard to animal
metaphors, coherence is especially perceptible in the job is a
predatory animal metaphor. In these expressions, the dialogue
demonstrates intentional picking-up on previously stated arguments.
Hawley argues that the animal images in the divine speeches are not
metaphorical, in spite of recent scholarly interpretation that reads
them as such. Rather, Yahweh appears as a sage to question the
negative status of wild animals that Job and his friends assume in
their significations of people are animals. This is especially
apparent in Yahweh’s strophes on the lion and the wild donkey, both
of which appear multiple times in the metaphorical expressions of
Job and his friends. |
Claudia Rapp The Bible in Byzantium
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 300 Seiten, hardcover,
978-3-525-57068-5 89,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 25,6 Appropriation, Adaptation, Interpretation The
Bible is the foundational text for the Byzantine Empire. The papers
of this volume explore its reception through appropriation,
adaptation and interpretation as articulated in all aspects of
Byzantine society. Several sessions at the ISBL held in Vienna, 6 to
10 July 2014 on ‘The Reception of the Bible in Greco-Roman
Tradition,’ ‘The Bible between Jews and Christians in Byzantium,’
‘Biblical Scholarship in Byzantium,’ and ‘Biblical Foundations of
Byzantine Identity and Culture’ built the basis of this volume.
Various angles shed light on the Byzantine experience of the
Bible. The wide range of source materials that inform the
contributions to this volume—from manuscripts and military handbooks
to lead seals and pilgrim guides— allows insights into a vivid
liturgical tradition, which shapes Orthodox Christianity up today.
As a thoroughly Christianized society, the Bible had sunk deep into
the cultural DNA of Byzantium. The volume shows the multitude of
strategies for the engagement with the Biblical text and the
manifold ways in which the Bible message was experienced,
articulated and brought to life on a daily basis.
Leseprobe |
Agnethe Siquans Biblical Women in Patristic Reception /
Biblische Frauen in patristischer Rezeption
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017, 300 Seiten, hardcover,
978-3-525-55270-4 110,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 25,5
Biblische Frauen
spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in verschiedenen Genres patristischen
Schrifttums und in rabbinischen Texten: Etwa als Vorbilder für
Frauen, manchmal auch für Männer, als Repräsentantinnen bestimmter
Tugenden oder Laster, als Autoritäten in Streitfragen, als
Ausgangspunkt für bestimmte Praktiken. Die Bilder, die die (fast
immer männlichen) Autoren von den biblischen Frauen zeichnen,
spiegeln stets den zeitgenössischen sozialen, kulturellen und
religiösen Kontext wider, besonders im Hinblick auf weit verbreitete
antike Vorstellungen über Frauen und über das Verhältnis der
Geschlechter zueinander. Der Sammelband fragt nach der Präsenz und
Sichtbarkeit bzw. Hörbarkeit und nach dem Bild biblischer Frauen in
den spätantiken Texten. Er enthält Beiträge zu Rahab, zur
ägyptischen Frau des Salomo, zur Geliebten des Hoheliedes, zu Judit,
den vier Töchtern des Philippus und den Myrophoren der Evangelien,
die Salben zu Jesu Grab bringen, und untersucht die Rezeption dieser
biblischen Frauen in verschiedenen patristischen und rabbinischen
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe
Corrigendum |
Armin Lange Reception of the Bible in Ancient Judaism and
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019, 200
Seiten, ca. 52 Farbabb., hardcover, 978-3-525-55269-8
90,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 25,1
Reading the Bible is of key importance for
Judaism and Christianity. By way of examples, the contributions to
this volume engage with the whole width of the reception histories
of the Jewish and Christian Bibles. The literatures its
contributions study range from the Dead Sea Scrolls into Rabbinic
and Patristic literature. In addition to the literary reception
history of biblical texts, this volume also engages with the
reception of the Bible in Jewish and Christian art history. To
generate a broad insight each area is addressed by one or more
examples, contributed by prominent international scholars. In
addition they illuminate what unites and what divides Judaism and
Christianity in their readings of Holy Scriptures.A study on
Jeremiah 33:14-26 and its
reception in Judaism and Christianity opens the volume, followed by
one on the reception of the bible in Ancient Judaism. Further
discussions of receptions from different contexts such as rabbinic
Literature or Patristic Biblical Interpretation of sections of the
bible spread the viewed discourse.Concluding a study on the bible in
(late) antique Christian art changes the medium and takes a look at
selected textiles. |
Katell Berthelot In Search of the Promised Land?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017, 448 Seiten, hardcover,
978-3-525-55252-0 110,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 24 The Hasmonean Dynasty Between Biblical Models and
Hellenistic Diplomacy Katell Berthelot shows that the Hasmonean
wars of conquest should not merely be understood in light of
Biblical models, but within the context of Hellenistic diplomacy and
kingship. Katell Berthelot challenges the widespread consensus
that the Hasmoneans embarked on wars of conquest in order to
reconquer the Promised Land, the biblical Land of Israel. She shows
that the sources used in support of this consensus - such as 1
Maccabees - have been over-interpreted and suggests a different
approach. Although the Hasmoneans used Biblical models in order to
legitimate their dynasty, there are many aspects of their policies
that should be understood within the context of Hellenistic
diplomacy and kingship. Dr. Katell Berthelot is Professor at the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Aix-en-Provence,
France. Potential Audience: Scholars and students in Bible
Studies, Jewish Studies, Ancient History. |
Hanna Tervanotko Denying Her Voice: The Figure
of Miriam in Ancient Jewish Literature
& Ruprecht, 2016, 368 Seiten, hardcover, 978-3-525-55105-9
95,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 23 Hanna Tervanotko first analyzes the treatment and development of
Miriam as a literary character in ancient Jewish texts, taking into
account all the references to this figure preserved in ancient
Jewish literature from the exilic period to the early second century
C.E.: Exodus 15:20-21; Deuteronomy 24:8-9; Numbers 12:1-15; 20:1;
26:59; 1 Chronicles 5:29; Micah 6:4, the Septuagint, the Dead Sea
Scrolls (4Q365 6 II, 1-7; 4Q377 2 I, 9; 4Q543 1 I, 6 = 4Q545 1 I, 5;
4Q546 12, 4; 4Q547 4 I, 10; 4Q549 2, 8), Jubilees 47:4; Ezekiel the
Tragedian 18; Demetrius Chronographer frag. 3; texts by Philo of
Alexandria: De vita contemplativa 87; Legum allegoriae 1.76;
2.66-67; 3.103; De agricultura 80-81; Liber antiquitatum biblicarum
9:10; 20:8, and finally texts by Josephus: Antiquitates judaicae
2.221; 3.54; 3.105; 4.78. These texts demonstrate that the picture
of Miriam preserved in the ancient Jewish texts is richer than the
Hebrew Bible suggests. The results provide a contradictory image of
Miriam. On the one hand she becomes a tool of Levitical politics,
whereas on the other she continues to enjoy a freer role. People
continued to interpret earlier literary traditions in light of new
situations, and interpretations varied in different contexts.
Second, in light of poststructuralist literary studies that treat
texts as reflections of specific social situations, Tervanotko
argues that the treatment of Miriam in ancient Jewish literature
reflects mostly a reality in which women had little space as active
agents. Despite the general tendency to allow women only little
room, the references to Miriam suggest that at least some prominent
women may have enjoyed occasional freedom.
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe |
Christine Hayes The Faces of Torah Studies
in the Texts and Contexts of Ancient Judaism in Honor of Steven
Fraade Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017, 672 Seiten, hardcover,
978-3-525-55254-4 160,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 22 This volume is a festschrift in honor of Steven
Fraade, the Mark Taper Professor of the History of Judaism at Yale
University. The contributions to the volume, written by colleagues
and former students of Professor Fraade, reflect many of his
scholarly interests. The scholarly credentials of the contributors
are exceedingly high. The volume is divided into three sections, one
on Second Temple literature and its afterlife, a second on rabbinic
literature and rabbinic history, and a third on prayer and the
ancient synagogue.Contributors are Alan Applebaum, Joshua Burns ,
Elizabeth Shanks Alexander , Chaya Halberstam , John J. Collins,
Marc Bregman, Aharon Shemesh, Ishay Rosen-Zvi, Vered Noam, Robert
Brody, Albert Baumgarten, Marc Hirshman, Moshe Bar-Asher, Aaron
Amit, Yose Yahalom, Lee Levine, Jan Joosten, Daniel Boyarin,
Charlotte Hempel, David Stern, Beth Berkowitz, Azzan Yadin, Joshua
Levinson, Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal, Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Tzvi
Novick, Devora Diamant, Richard Kalmin, Carol Bakhos, Judith
Hauptman, Jeff Rubenstein, Martha Himmelfarb, Stuart Miller, Esther
Chazon, James Kugel, Chaim Milikowsky, Maren Niehoff, Peter
Schaefer, and Adiel Schremer. |
Vol 21 Betsy Halpern-Amaru The Perspective from Mt.
Sinai: The Book of Jubilees and Exodus
& Ruprecht, 2015, 192 Seiten, 18 tables, hardcover,
978-3-525-55095-3 95,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 21 Although termed “the little Genesis”, the Book of Jubilees is
significantly engaged with Exodus. It reworks key Exodus narratives,
develops modules of Exodus law, and highlights Exodus motifs. The
most fundamental connection to Exodus is the grounding of the two
narrational structures of Jubilees in the scenario of Moses
receiving a revelation on Mt. Sinai. In the frame an anonymous
narrator develops the Mt. Sinai setting of the work. In the body an
angel employs that setting as the present-time pivot for a
retrospect that moves backward and forward in time. Focusing on
the intersection of structure and content, the study explores the
relationship between the retrospective design of the angel narration
and the exegesis. The approach is a literary one that treats
Jubilees as a unitary text that may reflect the work of a single
author or of a final editor. The analysis draws particular attention
to manipulations of temporal and textual perspective that transform
Exodus narratives, facilitate the hermeneutical elaborations of
Exodus law, and effect cohesion in the revelation that is the Book
of Jubilees. Halpern-Amaru’s study makes a significant
contribution to our understanding of biblical interpretation in
Second Temple Judaism. For example, the reading of the Jubilees
narrative of the exodus as a revelation of how God uses His heavenly
forces, i.e., Mastema and his demons as well as the angels of the
presence, on behalf of Israel, has implications for the
understanding of strategies that temper dualism in Second Temple
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe Betsy Halpern-Amaru is
Professor Emeritus of Religion at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Vol 20 Marvin Lloyd Miller Performances of Ancient
Jewish Letters From Elephantine to MMT Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2015, 317 Seiten, hardcover, 978-3-525-55093-9
130,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 20 This ambitious and engaging book sets itself the task of
combining a wide range of approaches to cast new light on the form
and function of several ancient Jewish letters in a variety of
languages. The focus of The Performance of Ancient Jewish Lettersis
on applying a new emerging field of performance theory to texts and
arguing that letters and other documents were not just read in
silence, as is normal today, but were “performed,” especially when
they were addressed to a community. A distinctive feature of this
book consists of being one of the first to apply the approach of
performance criticism to ancient Jewish letters. Previous treatments
of ancient letters have not given enough consideration to their oral
context; however, this book prompts the reader to “listen”
sympathetically with the audience. The Performance focuses close
attention on the ways in which the engagement of the audience during
the performance of a text might be read from traces present in the
text itself. This book invites the audience to hear a fresh reading
of a family letter from Hermopolis, concerning ugly tunics and
castor oil; festal letters, about issues surrounding the celebration
of Passover, Purim and Hanukkah; a diaspora letter on how to live in
a foreign land; and also an official letter concerning the building
of the Jerusalem temple. These letters will help us understand a
text from the Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, MMT. Marvin L. Miller argues
for the centrality of performance in the life of Jews of the Second
Temple period, an area of study that has been traditionally
neglected. The Performanceadvances the fields of orality and
epistolography and supplements other scholars’ works in those
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe Marvin Lloyd Miller,
PhD, is Adjunct Professor at Summit Pacific College in Abbotsford,
British Columbia, Canada. |
Andrew Perrin The Dynamics of Dream-Vision Revelation in
the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls
Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2015, 312 Seiten, harcdover, 978-3-525-55094-6
130,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 19 With a foreword by Florentino García Martínez Among the
predominantly Hebrew collection of the Dead Sea
Scrolls are twenty-nine compositions penned in Aramaic. While
such Aramaic writings were received at Qumran, these materials
likely originated in times before, and locales beyond, the Qumran
community. In view of their unknown past and provenance, this volume
contributes to the ongoing debate over whether the Aramaic texts are
a cohesive corpus or accidental anthology. Paramount among the
literary topoi that hint at an inherent unity in the group is the
pervasive usage of the dream-vision in a constellation of at least
twenty writings. Andrew B. Perrin demonstrates that the literary
convention of the dream-vision was deployed using a shared
linguistic stock to introduce a closely defined set of concerns.
Part One maps out the major compositional patterns of dream-vision
episodes across the collection. Special attention is paid to
recurring literary-philological features (e.g., motifs, images,
phrases, and idioms), which suggest that pairs or clusters of texts
are affiliated intertextually, tradition-historically, or originated
in closely related scribal circles. Part Two articulates three
predominant concerns advanced or addressed by dream-vision
revelation. The authors of the Aramaic texts strategically employed
dream-visions (i) for scriptural exegesis of the
antediluvian/patriarchal traditions, (ii) to endorse particular
understandings of the origins and functions of the priesthood, and
(iii) as an ex eventu historiographical mechanism for revealing
aspects or all of world history. These findings are shown to give
fresh perspective on issues of revelatory discourses in Second
Temple Judaism, the origins and evolution of apocalyptic literature,
the ancient context of the book of Daniel, and the social location
of the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls.
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe Andrew B. Perrin is
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Co-Director of the Dead
Sea Scrolls Institute at Trinity Western University in Langley,
British Columbia, Canada |
Hanan Eshel Exploring
the Dead Sea Scrolls Archaeology and Literature of the
Qumran Caves Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, 314 Seiten, with 9
fig., hardcover, 978-3-525-55096-0 150,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 18: Among the most prominent hallmarks of the late Prof. Hanan Eshel
(1958–2010) were his generosity, passion, and integrative approach.
The eighteen essays in this volume were selected by Prof. Eshel
shortly before his untimely death, to be printed as a collection
aimed at contextualizing the textual finds of the Dead Sea
Scrolls within their archaeological settings and within the
contours of contemporary scholarship. The Qumran texts that stand
at the center of these articles are correlated with archaeological
and geographic information and with a variety of textual sources
including epigraphic evidence and, especially, the Hebrew Bible,
Josephus, and rabbinic texts. The essays are organized according to
the provenance of the discovered material, with sections devoted to
the Damascus Documentand the scrolls from Caves 1, 3, 4, and 11, as
well as a final more general chapter. Half of the essays have
been previously published in English, while the other half have been
translated from Hebrew here for the first time. The book includes
essays that have been co-authored with Esther Eshel, Shlomit
Kendi-Harel, Zeev Safrai, and John Strugnell.
Inhaltsverzeuchnis und Leseprobe Hanan Eshel, Ph.D., was
Professor at the Department of Land of Israel Studies and
Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and founding director of
The David and Jemima Jeselsohn Center for the Study of Ancient
Jewish Epigraphy at Bar-Ilan University. Shani Tzoref, Ph.D., is
Professor of Hebrew Bible and Exegesis at the Abraham Geiger College
and the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam,
Germany. Barnea Levi Selavan is earning an MA in Ancient Israel
Studies at Tel Aviv University, where he also works as a copy-editor
and proofreader for academic publications and excavation reports.
Rabbi Selavan is a licensed archaeologist, educator and tour guide,
who co-founded an educational organization that develops historical
sites and brings archaeology and geography into the classroom -
www.foundationstone.org. Prof Eshel was a supporter of and
consultant to his work, especially for the Tel Yavne Prototype
Excavation. |
Stuart S. Miller At the Intersection of Texts
and Material Finds Stepped Pools, Stone Vessels, and Ritual
Purity Among the Jews of Roman Galilee Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2015/2019, 423 Seiten, hardcover, 978-3-525-55069-4
170,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 16 Stuart Miller examines the hermeneutical challenges posed by the
material and literary evidence pertaining to ritual purity practices
in Graeco-Roman Palestine and, especially, the Galilee. He contends
that “stepped pools,” which we now know were in use well beyond the
Destruction of the Temple, and, as indicated by the large collection
on the western acropolis of Sepphoris and elsewhere, into the Middle
and Late Roman/Byzantine eras,must be understood in light of
biblical and popular perspectives on ritual purity. The
interpretation of the finds is too frequently forced to conform to
rabbinic prescriptions, which oftentimes were the result of the
sages’ unique and creative, nominalist approach to ritual purity.
Special attention is given to the role ritual purity continued to
play in the lives of ordinary Jews despite (or because of) the loss
of the Temple. Miller argues against the prevailing tendency to type
material finds—and Jewish society––according to known groups (pre-70
C.E.: Pharisaic, Sadducaic, Essenic; post 70 C.E.: rabbinic,
priestly, etc.). He further counters the perception that ritual
purity practices were largely the interest of priests and argues
against the recent suggestion that the kohanim resurfaced as an
influential group in Late Antiquity. Building upon his earlier work
on “sages and commoners,” Miller claims that the rabbis emerged out
of a context in which a biblically derived “complex common Judaism”
thrived. Stepped pools, stone vessels, and other material finds are
realia belonging to this “complex common Judaism.” A careful reading
of the rabbis indicates that they were acutely aware of the extent
to which ritual purity rites pertaining to home and family life had
“spread,” which undoubtedly contributed to their intense interest in
regulating them.
Leseprobe |
Rainer Albertz
Between Cooperation and Hostility
Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with
Foreign Powers
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 272 Seiten, hardcover
110,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 11 The impact of multiple Jewish
The question of why the cooperation of Jews with the Persian and
Ptolemaic empires achieved some success and why it failed with
regard to the Seleucids and the Romans, even turning into military
hostility against them, has not been sufficiently answered. The
present volume intends to show, from the
perspectives of Hebrew Bible, Judaic, and Ancient History Studies,
that the contrasting Jewish attitudes towards foreign powers were
not only dependent on specific political circumstances. They were
interrelated with the emergence of multiple early Jewish identities,
which all found a basis in the Torah, the prophets, or the psalms.
Rainer Albertz, Abitur 1962 an der Lilienthal-Schule in Berlin
(West). Studium der Evangelischen Theologie an der Kirchlichen
Hochschule Berlin und der Universität Heidelberg 1962-68;
1.Theologisches Examen 1962. 1972-77 wissenschaftlicher Assistent an
der Universität Heidelberg bei Claus Westermann; Promotion 1972;
Studium der Assyriologie bei Karlheinz Deller; Habilitation 1977 in
Heidelberg. 1977-80 Privatdozent; 1980-83 Professor für
Alttestamentliche Theologie einschließlich Altorientalischer
Religionsgeschichte in, Jakob Wöhrle, Dr. theol. Jakob Wöhrle ist
Privatdozent an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der
Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster und Heisenberg-Stipendiat
der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. |
Eyal Regev
The Hasmoneans
Ideology, Archaeology, Identity
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 320 Seiten, hadrcover,
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 10 A defining work on the cultural and
social character of the priestly family.
Eyal Regev presents an inter-disciplinary analysis of the Hasmoneans:
How they perceived themselves and their role in Jewish history, and
how they wanted to be perceived by their subjects. By exploring the
ways—some common among ancient monarchies, others unique—in which
the Hasmoneans shored up their authority, the author reveals the
deliberate and innovative construction of a national
politico-religious ideology. Regev discusses the Hasmoneans’ use of
Temple and its cult, government and subsequent kingship, and their
symbolic representations as reflected in their coins and palaces in
comparison with contemporary Hellenistic kingdoms. The volume
uncovers the cultural and social character of the Hasmoneans as
rulers as well as of their state or kingdom. Merging historical
sources with archaeological findings, Jewish perspectives and
Hellenistic settings, a traditional text-oriented,
historical-critical method with comparative and
socio-anthropological approaches, The Hasmoneans aims to be the
defining work on the cultural and social character of the priestly
family that forms one of Jewish history’s most inspiring and
instructive chapters.
Eyal Revev ist Professor am Fachbereich für Israelstudien und
Archäologie an der Bar-Ilan Universität in Ramat Gan, Israel. |
Miryam T. Brand
Evil Within and Without
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 400 Seiten, hardcover,
110,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 9 The Source of Sin and Its Nature as Portrayed in Second Temple
Miryam T. Brand explores how texts
of the Second Temple period address the theological problem of the
existence of sin and describe the source of human sin. By surveying
the relevant Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Dead Sea Scrolls, as
well as the works of Philo and (where relevant) Josephus, the study
determines the extent to which texts’ presentation of sin is
influenced by genre and sectarian identification and identifies
central worldviews regarding sin in the Second Temple period. The
analysis is divided into two parts; the first explores texts that
reflect a conviction that the source of sin is an innate human
inclination, and the second analyzes texts that depict sin as caused
by demons. The author demonstrates that the genre or purpose of a
text is frequently a determining factor in its representation of sin,
particularly influencing the text’s portrayal of sin as the result
of human inclination versus demonic influence and sin as a free
choice or as predetermined fact. Second Temple authors and redactors
chose representations of sin in accordance with their aims. Thus
prayers, reflecting the experience of helplessness when encountering
God, present the desire to sin as impossible to overcome without
divine assistance. In contrast, covenantal texts (sectarian texts
explaining the nature of the covenant) emphasize freedom of choice
and the human ability to turn away from the desire to sin. Genre,
however, is not the only determining factor regarding how sin is
presented in these texts. Approaches to sin in sectarian texts
frequently built upon already accepted ideas reflected in
nonsectarian literature, adding aspects such as predestination, the
periodization of evil, and a division of humanity into righteous
members and evil nonmembers. |
Bennie H. Reynolds III
Between Symbolism and Realism
The Use of Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Language in Ancient Jewish
Apocalypse 333 - 63 B.C.E
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 421 Seiten, hardcover,
140,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 8 Bennie H. Reynolds analyzes of the
language (poetics) of ancient Jewish historical apocalypses. He
investigates how the dramatis personae, i.e., deities, angels/demons,
and humans are described in the Book of Daniel (chapters 2, 7, 8,
and 10–12) the Animal Apocalypse (1 Enoch 85–90),
4QFourKingdoms(a-b) ar, the Book of the Words of Noah (1QapGen 5
29–18?), the Apocryphon of Jeremiah C, and 4QPseudo-Daniel(a-b) ar.
The primary methodologies for this study are linguistic- and
motif-historical analysis and the theoretical framework is informed
by a wide range of ancient and modern thinkers including Artemidorus
of Daldis, Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Peirce, Leo Oppenheim,
Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Umberto Eco. The most basic contention of
this study is that the data now available from the Dead Sea Scrolls
significantly alter how one should conceive of the genre apocalypse
in the Hellenistic Period. This basic contention is borne out by
five primary conclusions. For example, while some apocalypses employ
symbolic language to describe the actors in their historical reviews,
others use non-symbolic language. Some texts, especially from the
Book of Daniel, are mixed cases. Among the apocalypses that use
symbolic language, a limited and stable repertoire of symbols obtain
across the genre and bear witness to a series of conventional
associations. While several apocalypses do not use symbolic ciphers
to encode their historical actors, they often use cryptic language
that may have functioned as a group-specific language. The language
of apocalypses indicates that these texts were not the domain of
only one social group or even one type or size of social group.
(Bennie H. Reynolds III analysiert die Sprache (Poetik) der
altjüdischen historischen Apokalypsen. Er untersucht, wie die
dramatis personae, etwa Gott, Engel/Dämonen und Menschen, im Buch
Daniel (Kapitel 2, 7, 8 sowie 10-12), in der Tierapokalypse (1 He
85–90) und weiteren alttestamentlichen apokalyptischen Texten
beschrieben werden. Vorwiegend führt er linguistische und
motivgeschichtliche Analysen durch. Den theoretischen Rahmen bildet
ein weites Feld an historischen und modernen Denkern wie Artemidorus
von Daldis, Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Peirce, Leo Oppenheim,
Claude Lévi-Strauss und Umberto Eco. Grundlegend ist für Reynolds,
dass die Daten, die nun aus den Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
hervorgehen, den Umgang mit dem Genre der Apokalypse in der
Hellenistischen Zeit signifikant verändern werden. Diese elementare
Annahme wird durch fünf Schlussfolgerungen bestätigt, die Reynolds
ausführlich präsentiert. ) |
Geoffrey P. Miller
The Ways of a King
Legal and Political Ideas in the Bible
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 296 Seiten, hardcover,
140,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 7 Geoffrey P. Miller argues that the
narratives from Genesis to Second
Kings present a sophisticated argument for political obligation
and for limited monarchy as the best form of government. The Hebrew
Bible, in this sense, can be considered as one of the earliest
political philosopies of the western world.
The Garden of Eden story identifies revelation, consent, utopia,
natural law, ownership, power, patriarchy, and justice as bases for
political obligation. The stories of life after the expulsion from
Eden argue that government and law are essential for a decent life.
The Genesis narratives recognize patriarchal authority but also
identifies limits based on kinship, higher authority and power. The
book of Exodus introduces the topic of political authority, arguing
that nationhood strictly dominates over other forms of political
The Sinai narratives explore two important sources of authority:
revelation and consent of the governed. The book of Joshua presents
a theory of sovereignty conceived of as the exclusive and absolute
control over territory. The book of Judges examines two types of
national government: military rule and confederacy. It argues that
military rule is inappropriate for peacetime conditions and that the
confederate form is not strong enough to deliver the benefits of
nationhood. The books of Samuel and Kings consider theocracy and
monarchy. The bible endorses monarchy as the best available form of
government provided that the king is constrained by appropriate
checks and balances. Contrary to the view of some scholars, no text
from Genesis to Second Kings disapproves of monarchy as a form of
government. |
Michaela Bauks
Between Text and Text
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012, 328 Seiten, hardcover,
130,00 EUR
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 6 International Symposium on
Intertextuality in Ancient Near Eastern, Ancient Mediterranean, and
Early Medieval Literatures
Die Intertextualitätsforschung an antiken Texte und ihrer
mittelalterlichen und modernen Rezeption ist in diesem Band
folgenden Aspekten gewidmet: 1) Was ist ein Text, was ist ein
Intertext? Hier stechen die verschiedenen materialen Textformen
hervor, wie sie in Architektur, Ikonographie, Lexikographie,
Listenwissenschaft etc. nachweisbar sind. 2) Formen der
Intertextualität – Zum Verhältnis von Schriftlichkeit und
Mündlichkeit untersucht, wie im Zuge der Verschriftlichung mündliche
Texte »verdinglicht« und zu einem fixierten Sprechakt werden (K.
Ehlich), in dem Wissen, dass gerade antike Textwelten von der steten
Vernetzung mündlicher und schriftlicher Traditionen geprägt sind. 3)
Was ist in der altorientalischen und antiken Literatur unter
»Tradition« und »Überlieferung« zu verstehen? Dies wird unter
Hinzuziehung der Sprachen, der historischen Wirklichkeit und des
antiken Denkens untersucht, wobei deutlich wird, dass
Traditionstransfers nicht nur innerhalb eines geschlossenen
Kulturkreises, sondern zudem im Austausch mit Nachbarkulturen über
größere zeitliche wie geographische Abstände hinaus stattfanden. 4)
Zum Verhältnis von Intertextualität und Kanon: Hier widmen sich
einige Beiträge dem Aspekt der permanenten auslegungsgeschichtlichen
Fortschreibung, wie sie gerade für kulturell bindende,
»kanonisierte« Texte durchaus üblich und – im Zuge ihrer
Aktualisierung – sogar nötig ist.
Mit Beiträgen von: M. Bauks, A. Lange / Z. Plese, Ph. Alexandre, S.
AuFrère, M. Oeming, K. Davidowicz, A. Wagner, G. Selz, M.F. Meyer,
P. Metzger, R. Lanzilotta, M. Dimitrova, F. Waldman, A. Ciuciu, M.
Klemm, W. Horowitz, M. Risch, J. van Ruiten, L. Bormann, A.
Miltenova, J. Taschner, G. Brooke, G. Dorival, A. Harder und S.
Alkier. |
Armin Lange
Biblical Quotations and Allusions in Second Temple Jewish
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 384 Seiten, hardcover,
130,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 5 Die jüdische Literatur aus der Zeit
des Zweiten Tempels zeichnet sich durch extensiven Gebrauch
autoritativer Schriften aus. Die Textfunde von
Qumran haben dieses Charakteristikum antik-jüdischer Literatur
besonders deutlich gemacht. Bislang war die Wissenschaft zur
Identifikation solcher Zitate und Anspielungen auf die Textkenntnis
der Forschenden angewiesen. Seit kurzem ist ihre Identifikation mit
Hilfe elektronischer Datenbanken möglich geworden. Unter Rückgriff
auf die neue Technologie stellt diese Publikation erstmals
umfassende Listen der Zitate von und Anspielungen auf die Bücher der
Hebräischen Bibel in der jüdischen Literatur aus der Zeit des
Zweiten Tempels zusammen. Viele der hier genannten Zitate und
Anspielungen wurden erstmalig identifiziert. Die hier vorgelegten
Listen sind ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für alle, die zum
antiken Judentum im Allgemeinen oder zur Auslegungs- und
Textgeschichte der Hebräischen Bibel im Besonderen arbeiten. Die
Zitate und Anspielungen werden zum einen nach der Buch-, Kapitel-
und Versfolge der Hebräischen Bibel angeordnet und zum anderen nach
der Sequenz der zitierenden und anspielenden Texte. |
Saul M. Olyan
Social Inequality in the World of the Text
The Significance of Ritual and Social Distinctions in the Hebrew
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 240 Seiten, hardcover,
89,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 4 This volume consists of fifteen of
the author’s essays, including two that have never been published
before. The essays date to the last decade and a half, and all
reflect in some manner the author’s ongoing interest in literary
operations of classification and their social implications,
particularly the production of distinctions which create social
inequality in the world of the text, and have the potential to
generate hierarchical social relationships in contexts where
biblical texts might have had an impact on real people. In these
essays, the author explores themes such as gender, sexuality, purity
and pollution, sanctification, death and afterlife, foreignness, and
disability with particular attention to the roles distinctions such
as honored/shamed, feminine/masculine, mourning/rejoicing, unclean/clean,
alien/native play in creating and perpetuating social differences in
texts. Rites of status change such as circumcision, shaving,
purification, burial or disinterment, sanctification and profanation
of holiness are a focus of interest in a number of these essays,
reflecting the author’s on going interest in the textual
representation of ritual. Most of the essays examine texts in their
historical setting, but several also engage the early history of the
interpretation of biblical texts, including the phenomenon of inner
biblical exegesis. The essays are divided into five sections: Rites
and Social Status; Gender and Sexuality; Disability; Holiness,
Purity, the Alien; Death, Burial, Afterlife and their Metaphorical
Uses. The author introduces each of the sections, contextualizing
each essay in his larger scholarly project, reflecting on its
development and reception and, in some cases, responding to his
(Der vorliegende Band beinhaltet 15, z.T. noch unveröffentlichte
Aufsätze von Saul M. Olyan. Der Autor beschäftigt sich mit
Klassifikationen in biblischen Texten und ihren sozialen
Auswirkungen. Besonders widmet er sich den Klassifizierungen die
Ungleichheiten in der Umwelt des Textes hervorrufen.Solche
Unterschiede sind zum Beispiel männlich/weiblich, tot/lebendig,
fremd/einheimisch oder rein/unrein. Die Artikel beschäftigen sich
dabei mit biblischen Texten, die von der Königszeit über das Exil
bis hin zur römischen Epche datiert werden.Dabei legt Olyan ein
besonderes Augenmerk auf die Menschen, die bei diesen
Unterscheidungen die minderwertige Rolle spielen oder gar ganz von
der Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen sind. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt
stellen Übergangsriten dar, die einen Wechsel des Status markieren,
z.B. Beschneidung, Rasur, Bestattung. ) |
Albert I. Baumgarten
Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 303 Seiten, hardcover,
85,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 3 This volume contains the proceedings
of the conference entitled “Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy” held on
29 May 2008 under the auspices of the David and Jemima Jeselsohn
Center for Epigraphy at Bar-Ilan University. Epigraphic finds, here
interpreted broadly to include papyri, scrolls, and the like, have
immeasurably enriched our knowledge of the ancient Jewish past while
at the same time posing a challenge to modern scholarship: how does
one integrate old knowledge, based on previously known sources, with
new information? We now recognize that Rabbinic texts are normative:
they tell us how their authors believed life should be lived, rather
than the details of ordinary, everyday, experience. What weight,
then, should be given to traditional halakhic texts in evaluating
the contents of newly discovered written remains? And what light can
be shed by these new finds, especially those inscriptions and
documents that record small moments of ancient Jewish life, upon the
long-familiar normative texts?
The conference on “Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy” was intended to
generate discussion on these broad issues, as well as to provide a
forum for exploration of specific matters of halakhah reflected in
the epigraphic sources. The papers in this volume tend to emphasize
the centrality of halakhah in ancient Judaism. |
Armin Lange
Light Against Darkness
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 368 Seiten, hardcover,
99,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 2 Dualism in Ancient Mediterranean
Religion and the Contemporary World
Light Against Darkness is comprised of articles that put on display
the power and pervasiveness of dualistic thought. Dualism has proved
a potent cultural tool for clarifying and ordering reality.
Particularly in times of social stress and psychological insecurity,
it can offer a valuable conceptual grid that provides orientation to
the world and a clear sense of identity. At the same time, though,
there are important questions to be asked about the social effects
of binary thinking. As history amply illustrates, dualistic notions
can readily be deployed to legitimate cultural demonization and to
rationalize violence. At a deeper level, a dualist worldview can
also obscure the possibilities to be found in multiplicity.
The articles in this volume treat Dualism across a wide historical
spectrum and from multiple methodological perspectives. The studies
are organized around the religious and cultural contexts of Ancient
Judaism and they include contributions from leading voices on
ancient Persia, Israel, Greece, and Egypt.
Experts on modern religious and philosophical thought not only lend
context to concepts applied to the ancient world, but engage recent
European and American experiments in binary thought. All of the
studies contribute to a richer and more complete portrait of dualism
in ancient Judaism. |
Ruth Sander
Retrograde Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010, 258 Seiten, hardcover,
99,00 EUR  |
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Vol 1 Ein erstklassiges Hilfsmittel zur
Rekonstruktion einzelner Fragmente!
Dieses Wörterbuch dient der Rekonstruktion einzelner Fragmente von
Schriftrollen und Inschriften. Während der Arbeit mit unvollständig
erhaltenen Quellen etwa aus Qumran stellt
sich die Frage, wie verderbte Textstellen zu ergänzen sind. Ist von
einem Wort nur der letzte Teil erhalten, kann es mit Hilfe der
alphabetisch rückläufig angeordneten Lemmalisten ergänzt werden.
Enthalten sind alle hebräischen und aramäischen Texte auf
Schriftrollen und Inschriften aus Palästina bis 135 n.Chr. Im Anhang
ist der ebenfalls rückläufig angeordnete Wortschatz der
Elephantine-Papyri, einschließlich der Achikar-Sprüche, zu finden,
die wegen ihres Herkunftsortes eine Ausnahme darstellen.
Im Anschluss an Karl Georg Kuhn, der 1958 als erster den hebräischen
Wortschatz in rückläufiger Form zusammenstellte, aber nur einen
kleinen Teil der Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer kannte, werden hier
insbesondere die Veröffentlichungen der letzten 50 Jahre mit
einbezogen. |