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Versandbuchhandlung für Evangelische Theologie

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Antonius H.J. Gunneweg
Das Buch Baruch - Der Brief Jeremias

Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1976, Seiten 167 - 299, kartoniert,

109,00 EUR
Gunneweg: Baruch - Brief Johannes, Enno Janssen: Testament Abrahams, Nikolaus Walter: Fragmente jüdisch-hellenistischer Exegetischer Exegeten: Aristobulos, Demtrios, Aristeas

Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit (JSHRZ), Band 3,2
Wolfgang Hage
Die griechische Baruch-Apokalypse
Das Apokryphon Ezechiel

Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1974, 56 Seiten, kartoniert,
49,00 EUR
Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit (JSHRZ) Band 5,1  Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Himmelfahrt Moses.
Die griechische Esra-Apokalypse.
Die syrische Baruch-Apokalypse

Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1976, 191 Seiten, kartoniert,
49,95 EUR
Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit (JSHRZ) Band 5,2 

Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Brandenburger: Himmelfahrt Moses. Müller, Ulrich: Die griechische Esra-Apokalypse. Klijn, A. F.: Die syrische Baruch-Apokalypse
Heinrich Gross / Josef Schreiner
Klagelieder - Baruch

Echter Verlag, 1986, 92 Seiten, Broschur,

16,90 EUR
Kommentar zum Alten Testament mit Einheitsübersetzung
Neue Echter Bibel Altes Testament
Joseph Ziegler
Jeremias, Baruch, Threni, Epistula Jeremiae

Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 504 Seiten, Leinen, 978-3-525-53426-7

200,00 EUR
Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum, Band 15
  Marie Th. Wacker
 noch nicht erschienen, wir merken vor
Herder Verlag, n, Gebunden,
Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament, HthK AT
Maria Häusl
IEKAT, Internationaler Exegetischer Kommentar
Alexander Kulik
3 Baruch
Greek-Slavonic Apocalypse of Baruch

de Gruyter, 2010, 320 Seiten, Leinen,
179,95 EUR
Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature (CEJL), de Gruyter
This work provides the key to one of the most enigmatic Jewish Hellenistic texts preserved in Greek and Slavonic. Despite the fact that 3 Baruch is one of the major early Jewish apocalypses, it has been relatively neglected in modern scholarship, probably since 3 Baruch is one of the most difficult works to comprehend and classify. Its content differs significantly from that of other writings of the same genre, as the book preserves syncretistic ideas and tendencies which are combined in unique ways. The worldview, the message, and the very textual structure of 3 Baruch are enigmatic in many respects. The present study demonstrates that the textual history of 3 Baruch, implicit meanings and structural links in its text, as well as conceptions behind the text, are partly reconstructable. Moreover, 3 Baruch, properly read, significantly enriches our understanding of the history of the motifs found in early Jewish lore, at times providing missing links between different stages of their development, and preserves important evidence on the roots of Jewish mysticism, proto-Gnostic and proto-Christian traditions. The study contains the introduction, synoptic translation, textual notes, and detailed commentaries.
978-3-11-026973-4 Dale C. Allison
4 Baruch
Paraleipomena Jeremiou

De Gruyter, 2018, 463 Seiten, Leinen,
89,95 EUR Warenkorb
Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature (CEJL), de Gruyter
This is the first full-scale, verse-by-verse commentary on 4 Baruch. The pseudepigraphon, written in the second century, is in large measure an attempt to address the situation following the destruction of the temple in 70 CE by recounting legends about the first destruction of the temple, the Babylonian captivity, and the return from exile. 4 Bruch is notable for its tale about Jeremiah's companion, Abimelech, who sleeps through the entire exilic period. This tale lies behind the famous Christian legend of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus and is part of the genealogy of Washington Irving's ""Rip Van Winkle."" Allison's commentary draws upon an exceptionally broad range of anc ient sources in an attempt to clarify 4 Baruch's original setting, compositional history, and meaning.
978-3-11-036294-7 Sean A. Adams
Studies on Baruch
Composition, Literary Relations, and Reception
de Gruyter, 2016, Hardcover
87,95 EUR Warenkorb
Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Band 23

The volume comprises a collection of essays from an international team of scholars who specialise in Old Testament pseudepigrapha. Topics covered include: historical issues, literary structure, intertextual relationships between Baruch and the Old Testament, reception history, and modern translation challenges. This is the first volume of essays that exclusively focus on Baruch, one that seeks to provide a foundation for future investigations.





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