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Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, EBR Studies of the Bible and Its Reception, SBR
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR)
978-3-11-114364-4 Rachelle Lynda Gilmour
Explorations in the Interpretation of Samuel

de Gruyter, 2024, 275 Seiten, Hardcover,
109,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 26
Intertextuality and Reception
The volume consists of 21 essays from an international group of scholars. The volume is broken into two parts: Reading Samuel with the Hebrew Bible, and beyond the Hebrew Bible. Each section will offer readings of portions of the Book of Samuel that engage with other texts. The chapters are arranged in the order of the narrative sequence of Samuel to highlight the way reading with other texts can inform a reading of the Book of Samuel.
978-3-11-133978-8 Abraham Boateng
New Testament Miracle Stories in Ghanaian Mother-Tongues
Case Studies and their Hermeneutical Implications
de Gruyter, 2024, 175 Seiten, Hardcover,
99,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 25
This book examines the translations of selected miracle stories from the Hebrew Bible, Septuagint (LXX) and the Greek New Testament into selected Ghanaian mother-tongues, considering possible shifts of meaning that occur in translating. 1Kings 18:25-38, Mark 9:14-29 and Luke 7:11-17 are used as case studies.
The author draws out semiotic-hermeneutical nuances of these texts as they are understood in the Ghanaian context and addresses questions in the field of Biblical studies concerning the relevance of intercultural hermeneutics for current trends in Ghanaian Christianity. Particularly important is the high premium placed on 'miracles' in present-day Ghanaian spirituality, making a careful analysis of these stories particularly relevant for the Ghanaian audience.
The study also explores several factors that influence the translation process and have a bearing on the reception and use of the text. It follows the growing calls for a shift in African Biblical hermeneutics from the theological heritage of Europe and America to the emerging theological trajectories of Africa. This post-colonial shift re-examines the translated text, moving from what the text might have meant to what the text might mean in Africa.
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978-3-11-068594-7 Marianne Bjelland Kartzow
The Nordic Bible

De Gruyter, 2023, 330 Seiten, Hardcover,
109,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 24
Bible Reception in Contemporary Nordic Societies
The volume offers a new critical reflection on the use of the Bible in contemporary cultural and political debates in the Nordic countries. In Nordic Lutheran societies, the Bible has been perceived as a basis of religion and social cohesion. Whereas such religious and confessional factors are well-researched vis-à-vis the historical genesis of the Nordic welfare states, the focus here is on public use of the Bible in debates of today.
    Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 23
978-3-11-078184-7 Anthony Swindell
Going to Extremes in Biblical Rewritings

De Gruyter, 2023, 230 Seiten, Hardcover,
109,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 22
Radical Literary Retellings of Biblical Tropes
This book sets out to provide a matrix for surveying the literary treatment of biblical tropes. It supplies an overview of the literary reception of the Bible from the earliest times right through to contemporary writers such as Jeanette Winterson and Colm Tóibín, traces the literary reception and treatment of the Book of Job; the figure of Uriah in the narrative of David and Bathsheba; the figure of Lilith; and Angels of Death and of Mercy. These are all handled as specimen histories. This is followed by an examination of the output of several specific early and later Twentieth-Century rewriters of the Bible. In the last chapters, three sets of other writers under particular headings (""the Great Disrupters"" etc.) are grouped together with a view to finding common characteristics as well as unique features in their approach to biblical tropes and provide conclusions and suggestions for further research.
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978-3-11-075272-4 Marijana Vukovic
Survival and Success of an Apocryphal Childhood of Jesus

De Gruyter, 2022, 320 Seiten, Hardcover,
104,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 21
Reception of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas in the Middle Ages
This book explores the transformations of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas in the Middle Ages. It also connects the different representations of children, childhood, everyday- and family life in the distinct textual versions to the ancient and medieval settings in which they appear. The text survived and influenced ideas and mentalities that shaped medieval minds in the East and the West, but also enhanced anti-Jewish sentiments.
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978-3-11-073536-9 Michael Wandusim
The Lord’s Prayer in the Ghanaian Context

De Gruyter, 2023, 260 Seiten, Hardcover,
104,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 20
A Reception-Historical Study
This study explores the reception history of the Lord's Prayer in the Ghanaian context. After presenting the current state of research in the Lord's Prayer from an exegetical perspective, this book discusses a wide field of hermeneutical approaches, such as inculturation biblical hermeneutics, mother-tongue biblical hermeneutics, African feminist biblical hermeneutics, liberation biblical hermeneutics and post-colonial biblical hermeneutics. Taking the discussions of these approaches together, it was realised that the general hermeneutical setting in Ghana (and Africa as whole) is reader-centred, i.e. the readers play an active role in the hermeneutical process and the results of the hermeneutical process are aimed at the readers’ contexts and the transformation of those contexts.
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978-3-11-069781-0 Walter Dietrich

De Gruyter, 2021, 275 Seiten, Hardcover,
124,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 19
Die Rezeption des biblischen Samuel in Geschichte, Musik und Bildender Kunst
Die biblische Figur des Samuel wird zunächst in seiner biblischen und nachbiblischen Rezeption, vor allem im antiken Christentum und Frühjudentum dargestellt. Am Beispiel des Oratoriums Samuele des deutsch-italienischen Komponisten Giovanni Simone Mayr (1763-1845) wird dann die frühneuzeitliche und moderne Rezeption der alttestamentlichen Gestalt des Richters Samuel in der europäischen Kulturgeschichte demonstriert.

978-3-11-074699-0 Brigitta Rottach
Moses Quellwasserwunder
Ex 17 und Paraschat Chukkat (Num 20) in jüdischen und christlichen Bildrezeptionen
De Gruyter, 2023, 443 Seiten, Hardcover,
99,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 18
Zweimal wird in der Tora / dem Alten Testament das Wunder erzählt, bei dem Mose den dürstenden Israeliten in der Wüste Wasser aus einem Felsen schlägt, in Numeri 20 und Exodus 17. Interessant sind die unterschiedlichen jüdischen und christlichen Rezeptionen dazu. Diese werden in der vorliegenden Studie anhand von Werken der bildenden Kunst untersucht. Bilder, die Textverständnisse, Zeitgeist und in der jeweiligen Gesellschaft aktuelle Fragen in oft wilder Exegese zum Ausdruck bringen und auch Judentum und Christentum immer wieder in Übernahmen und Abgrenzungen neu in ein Verhältnis setzen. 3 jüdische und 3 christliche Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen Zeiten stehen dabei im Zentrum. Dabei zeigt sich, dass man sich im Judentum vor allem für Numeri 20 interessiert und aufgrund der Strafe Gottes, dass nämlich Mose nicht ins verheissene Land kommen darf, darüber diskutiert: Was war Moses Sünde? Für die christliche Rezeption steht vielmehr Exodus 17 im Vordergrund, das Wunder des lebensrettenden Wassers und Mose als strahlende Präfiguration des Messias. Dies wirft letztlich die Frage auf, welche Rolle das implizite Vorwissen beim Textverständnis spielt und was das für den interreligiösen Dialog bedeutet.
Blick ins Buch
978-3-11-069912-8 Daniel Vorpahl
Aus dem Leben des Buches Jona

De Gruyter, 2020, 500 Seiten, Hardcover,
149,95 EUR
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 17
Rezeptionswissenschaftliche Methodik und innerjüdischer Rezeptionsdiskurs
Daniel Vorpahl untersucht die frühjüdischen und rabbinischen Rezeptionen des biblischen Propheten Jona auf ihre überlieferungsdynamischen Aushandlungsprozesse. Einer eigens entwickelten Methodik folgend werden Rezeptionen Jonas diskursanalytisch kontextualisiert und entlang einheitlicher Analysekategorien vergleichend untersucht. Das Ergebnis ist ein detailreicher Bildausschnitt eines innerjüdischen Rezeptionsdiskurses.
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978-3-11-068362-2 Oliver Dyma
Das Sacharjabuch und seine Rezeptionen

De Gruyter, 2020, 354 Seiten, Hardcover,
124,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 16

Auf Grundlage einer synchronen Lektüre des Sacharjabuches in seiner hebräischen Textgestalt sowie intertextueller Bezüge inner- und außerhalb des Dodekapropheton werden verschiedene Rezeptionsvorgänge untersucht. Diese zeigen sich literarund redaktionskritisch innerhalb des hebräischen Kanons sowie im Vergleich mit dem griechischen Text. Exemplarisch werden Aufnahmen im Neuen Testament, bei den Kirchenvätern sowie im frühen Judentum behandelt.
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978-3-11-066340-2 Riemer Roukema
Micah in Ancient Christianity
Reception and Interpretation
De Gruyter, 2019, 283 Seiten, Gebunden,
114,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 15
What happened when the writing of the Old Testament prophet Micah from the 8th century BCE was read and interpreted by Christians in the 1st to 5th century BCE? This research meticulously describes data from patristic commentaries and other ancient Christian works in Greek and Latin, as well as the remains of Gnostic receptions of Micah, and it analyses the interpretative strategies that were adopted. Attention is paid to the partial retrieval of Origen’s Commentary on Micah, which is lost nowadays, but was used by later Christian authors, especially Jerome. This work includes the ancient delimitation of the Septuagint version and patristic observations on the meaning of particular terms. Other aspects are the liturgical readings from Micah’s book up to the Middle Ages, its use in Christ’s complaints about Israel on Good Friday (the Improperia), and a rabbinic tradition about Jesus quoting Micah. It is noted whenever patristic authors implicitly use or explicitly quote Jewish interpretations, many of which are supplied with parallels in contemporaneous or medieval Jewish works. This first comprehensive survey of the ancient Christian reception and interpretation of Micah is a valuable tool for Biblical scholars and historians.
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978-3-11-061756-6 M. Andrew Holowchak
Thomas Jefferson’s Bible

De Gruyter, 2018, 141 Seiten, Hardcover,
114,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 14
With Introduction and Critical Commentary
This volume is the first full-length book that offers a critical investigation into the composition of Jefferson’s Bible. In it, the author looks critically not only at what Jefferson includes, but also at what he chose to exclude in an effort to uncover the principles that Jefferson employed in selecting and deselecting verses. In addition to providing a full text of Jefferson’s Bible, this study places these documents within a historical, philosophical and theological context that illuminates their significance and relevance to our time.
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978-3-11-060103-9 Edwin Murphy
The Bishop and the Apostle

De Gruyter, 2018, 229 Seiten, Hardcover,
114,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 13
Cyprian's Pastoral Exegesis of Paul
This study examines how Cyprian of Carthage, the most significant bishop in the early Latin tradition, appropriates the canonical Paul.Cyprian, like Paul, is a pastoral theologian, so his pastoral concerns provide a helpful lens through which to study his use of the apostle. These include divine truth and eternal glory; the church’s unity, ministry and sacraments; discipline and repentance; and wealth and welfare. Examining Cyprian’s use of Paul in these areas allows us to move beyond a simple literal/allegorical paradigm to appreciate the wide range of reading strategies used by Cyprian: model, image, maxim, title, contextual exegesis, direct application, prophetic fulfilment and qualification. It also provides a different perspective on Paul than the one arrived at by privileging a handful of texts.This study of Cyprian’s appropriation of Pauline texts therefore illuminates the interplay between text, context and theology in his exegesis. It also deepens our understanding of the early North African hermeneutical tradition and the early reception of Paul.
978-3-11-057931-4 Mark R. Sneed
Taming the Beast
A Reception History of Behemoth and Leviathan
De Gruyter, 2021, 300 Seiten, Hardcover,
104,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 12
Leviathan, a manifestation of one of the oldest monsters in recorded history (3rd millennium BCE), and its sidekick, Behemoth, have been the object of centuries of suppression throughout the millennia. Originally cosmic, terrifying creatures who represented disorder and chaos, they have been converted into the more palatable crocodile and hippo by biblical scholars today.
However, among the earliest Jews (and Muslims) and possibly Christians, these creatures occupied a significant place in creation and redemption history. Before that, they formed part of a backstory that connects the Bible with the wider ancient Near East. When examining the reception history of these fascinating beasts, several questions emerge.
Why are Jewish children today familiar with these creatures, while Christian children know next to nothing about them? Why do many modern biblical scholars follow suit and view them as minor players in the grand scheme of things? Conversely, why has popular culture eagerly embraced them, assimilating the words as symbols for the enormous? More unexpectedly, why have fundamentalist Christians touted them as evidence for the cohabitation of dinosaurs and humans?
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List of Illustrations
Hiob 3,8
Hiob 40
Jes 27,1
Behemoth (Nilpferd)
Hiob 40
978-3-11-049470-9 Zbynek Kindschi Garský, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold
Christus in natura

De Gruyter, 2019, 253 Seiten, Hardcover,
154,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 11
Quellen, Hermeneutik und Rezeption des Physiologus
Was hat der Pelikan mit Christus zu tun oder das Einhorn mit der Jungfrau Maria? Der Physiologus, eine ursprünglich in griechischer Sprache in Ägypten abgefasste frühchristliche Schrift, bietet unter Aufnahme biblischer wie paganer Motivik und Naturlehre eine christliche Gesamtdeutung der Natur. Über mittelalterliche Bestiarien findet die Symbolik des Physiologus Eingang in Kunst, Literatur und Heraldik. Die Bedeutung einer solchen christologisch grundgelegten Bildsprache bleibt indes heutzutage vielfach rätselhaft. Im vorliegenden Band wird die Schrift mit ihren Quellen, ihren onto-theologischen Grundlagen und ihren Deutungsmethoden sowie ihrer Rezeption breit interdisziplinär ausgeleuchtet (antike Naturkunde, altorientalische und biblische Bildwelt, Septuaginta, Kirchenväterliteratur, Rezeption in Kunst und Musik, Handschriftenkunde), um so zu einem historischen Verständnis christlicher Tiersymbolik beizutragen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der berühmten illuminierten Berner Physiologus-Handschrift, die vollständig abgedruckt wird.
Open Access, pdf, mit Faksimile des Physiologus Bernensis
978-3-11-052166-5 David M. Goldenberg
Black and Slave
The Origins and History of the Curse of Ham
De Gruyter, 2017, 300 Seiten, Hardcover,
129,95 EUR
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 10

Studies of the Curse of Ham, the belief that the Bible consigned blacks to everlasting servitude, confuse and conflate two separate origins stories (etiologies), one of black skin and the other of black slavery. This work unravels the etiologies and shows how the Curse, an etiology of black slavery, evolved from an earlier etiology explaining the existence of dark-skinned people. We see when, where, why, and how an original mythic tale of black origins morphed into a story of the origins of black slavery, and how, in turn, the second then supplanted the first as an explanation for black skin. In the process we see how formulations of the Curse changed over time, depending on the historical and social contexts, reflecting and refashioning the way blackness and blacks were perceived. In particular, two significant developments are uncovered. First, a curse of slavery, originally said to affect various dark-skinned peoples, was eventually applied most commonly to black Africans. Second, blackness, originally incidental to the curse, in time became part of the curse itself. Dark skin now became an intentional marker of servitude, the visible sign of the blacks’ degradation, and in the process deprecating black skin itself.
978-3-11-047677-4 Brian J. Arnold
Justification in the Second Century

De Gruyter, 2017, 221 Seiten, Hardcover,
129,95 EUR
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 9
This book seeks to answer the following question: how did the doctrine of justification fare one hundred years after Paul’s death (c. AD 165)? This book argues that Paul’s view of justification by faith is present in the second century, a thesis that particularly challenges T. F. Torrance’s long-held notion that the Apostolic Fathers abandoned this doctrine (The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers, 1948). In the wake of Torrance’s work there has been a general consensus that the early fathers advocated works righteousness in opposition to Paul’s belief that an individual is justified before God by faith alone, but second-century writings do not support this claim. Each author examined—Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to Diognetus, Odes of Solomon, and Justin Martyr—contends that faith is the only necessary prerequisite for justification, even if they do indicate the importance of virtuous living. This is the first major study on the doctrine of justification in the second century, thus filling a large lacuna in scholarship. With the copious amounts of research being conducted on justification, it is alarming that no work has been done on how the first interpreters of Paul received one of his trademark doctrines. It is assumed, wrongly, that the fathers were either uninterested in the doctrine or that they misunderstood the Apostle. Neither of these is the case. This book is timely in that it enters the fray of the justification debate from a neglected vantage point.
978-3-11-075066-9 Annette Schellenberg
The Song of Songs Through the Ages
De Gruyter, 2023, 513 Seiten,
29,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 8
Essays on the Song’s Reception History in Different Times, Contexts, and Genres
The Song of Songs is a fascinating text. Read as an allegory of God's love for Israel, the Church, or individual believers, it became one of the most influential texts from the Bible. This volume includes twenty-three essays that cover the Song's reception history from antiquity to the present. They illuminate the richness of this reception history, paying attention to diverse interpretations in commentaries, sermons, and other literature, as well as the Song's impact on spirituality, theological and intellectual debates, and the arts.
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109,95 EUR Warenkorb
978-3-11-033494-4 Martin Whittingham
A History of Muslim Views of the Bible

De Gruyter, 2020, 245 Seiten,
29,95 Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 7
The Bible and Muslim Identity Formation (7th to 11th century CE)
This book aims to produce something not previously attempted - a synthetic history of Muslim responses to the Bible, stretching from the rise of Islam to the present day. It combines scholarship with a genuine narrative, so as to tell the story of Muslim engagement with the Bible. The book, covering Sunni, Imami Shi'i and Isma'ili perspectives, offers a scholarly overview of three areas of Muslim response, namely ideas of corruption, use and abrogation of the Biblical text. For each period of history the important figures and dominant trends, along with exceptions, are identified. The interplay between using and criticising the Bible is explored, and how the respective emphasis on these two approaches rises and falls in different periods and locations. The book critically engages with existing scholarship, probes received views on the subject, and thereby sheds light on an important area of interfaith concern.

siehe Koran und Bibel
114,95 EUR Warenkorb
978-3-11-047655-2 David W. Jorgensen
Treasure Hidden in a Field
Early Christian Reception of the Gospel of Matthew
De Gruyter, 2016, 321 Seiten, Gebunden,
129,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 6
This reception history of the Gospel of Matthew utilizes theoretical frameworks and literary sources from two typically distinct disciplines, patristic studies and Valentinian (a.k.a. “Gnostic”) studies. The author shows how in the second and third centuries, the Valentinians were important contributors to a shared culture of early Christian exegesis. By examining the use of the same Matthean pericopes by both Valentinian and patristic exegetes, the author demonstrates that certain Valentinian exegetical innovations were influential upon, and ultimately adopted by, patristic authors. Chief among Valentinian contributions include the allegorical interpretation of texts that would become part of the New Testament, a sophisticated theory of the historical and theological relationship between Christians and Jews, and indeed the very conceptualization of the Gospel of Matthew as sacred scripture. This study demonstrates that what would eventually emerge from this period as the ecclesiological and theological center cannot be adequately understood without attending to some groups and individuals that have often been depicted, both by subsequent ecclesiastical leaders and modern scholars, as marginal and heretical.
978-3-11-057815-7 Jennifer R. Strawbridge
The Pauline Effect
The Use of the Pauline Epistles by Early Christian Writers
De Gruyter, 2017, 309 Seiten, Broschur
19,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 5
This study offers a fresh approach to reception historical studies of New Testament texts, guided by a methodology introduced by ancient historians who study Graeco-Roman educational texts. In the course of six chapters, the author identifies and examines the most representative Pauline texts within writings of the ante-Nicene period: 1Cor 2, Eph 6, 1Cor 15, and Col 1. The identification of these most widely cited Pauline texts, based on a comprehensive database which serves as an appendix to this work, allows the study to engage both in exegetical and historical approaches to each pericope while at the same time drawing conclusions about the theological tendencies and dominant themes reflected in each. Engaging a wide range of primary texts, it demonstrates that just as there is no singular way that each Pauline text was adapted and used by early Christian writers, so there is no homogeneous view of early Christian interpretation and the way Scripture informed their writings, theology, and ultimately identity as Christian.
129,95 EUR 
978-3-11-041154-6 Frauke Uhlenbruch
The Nowhere Bible
Utopia, Dystopia, Science Fiction
De Gruyter, 2015, 210 Seiten, Hardcover,
144,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 4
The Bible contains passages that allow both scholars and believers to project their hopes and fears onto ever-changing empirical realities. By reading specific biblical passages as utopia and dystopia, this volume raises questions about reconstructing the past, the impact of wishful imagination on reality, and the hermeneutic implications of dealing with utopia – “good place” yet “no place” – as a method and a concept in biblical studies.A believer like William Bradford might approach a biblical passage as utopia by reading it as instructions for bringing about a significantly changed society in reality, even at the cost of becoming an oppressor. A contemporary biblical scholar might approach the same passage with the ambition of locating the historical reality behind it – finding the places it describes on a map, or arriving at a conclusion about the social reality experienced by a historical community of redactors. These utopian goals are projected onto a utopian text. This volume advocates an honest hermeneutical approach to the question of how reliably a past reality can be reconstructed from a biblical passage, and it aims to provide an example of disclosing – not obscuring – pre-suppositions brought to the text.
978-3-11-040057-1 Sara Kipfer
Der bedrohte David
Eine exegetische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studie zu 1Sam 16 - 1Kön 2
de Gruyter, 2015, 650 Seiten, Gebunden,
169,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 3
Im Zentrum steht ein in der Forschung kaum berücksichtigtes Motiv der Daviderzählungen: der bedrohte und gefährdete Emporkömmling und Herrscher. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass sich weder synchron eine Steigerung der Bedrohung festmachen lässt, noch dass diachron die Bedrohung Davids einem bestimmten Autor oder Redaktor zugewiesen werden kann. Vielmehr findet sich das Motiv der Bedrohung in den gesamten Daviderzählungen und wurde in unterschiedlichen Zeiten aufgenommen und erweitert.
Eben dieses Motiv wurde dann auch in der frühen Neuzeit aufgegriffen und vielfältig rezipiert. Herrscher identifizierten sich mit dem bedrohten David, Hofprediger legitimierten dagegen mit Verweis auf Natan und Gad ihre Kritik am Herrscher. Exemplarisch wird dies anhand des Werkes David von Benito Arias Montano, Deckengemälden in Schloss Eggenberg bei Graz und Zeichnungen von Rembrandt van Rijn, Peter Paul Rubens und Jan Boeckhorst aufgezeigt. Diese Studie wirft somit nicht nur ein neues Licht auf die Daviderzählungen in 1Sam 16 - 1Kön 2, sondern auch auf den Diskurs rund um Macht und Ohnmacht im sogenannten Zeitalter des "Absolutismus".
978-3-11-048792-3 Stefan Alkier
Miracles Revisited
De Gruyter, 2016, 414 Seiten, Softcover,
24,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 2
New Testament Miracle Stories and their Concepts of Reality
Since David Hume, the interpretation of miracle stories has been dominated in the West by the binary distinction of fact vs. fiction. The form-critical method added another restriction to the interpretation of miracles by neglecting the context of its macrotexts. Last but not least the hermeneutics of demythologizing was interested in the self-understanding of individuals and not in political perspectives.The book revisits miracle stories with regard to these dimensions: 1. It demands to connect the interpretation of Miracle Stories to concepts of reality. 2. It criticizes the restrictions of the form critical method. 3. It emphasizes the political implications of Miracle Stories and their interpretations.Even the latest research accepts this modern opposition of fact and fiction as self-evident. This book will examine critically these concepts of reality with interpretations of miracles. The book will address how concepts of reality, always complex, came to expression in stories of miraculous healings and their reception in medicine, art, literature, theology and philosophy, from classic antiquity to the Middle Ages. Only through such bygone concepts, contemporary interpretations of ancient healings can gain plausibility.nity.
154,95 EURWarenkorb
978-3-11-032106-7 "Nancy Klancher
The Taming of the Canaanite Woman

Constructions of Christian Identity in the Afterlife of Matthew 15:21-28
De Gruyter, 2013, 317 Seiten, Hardcover,
154,95 EUR Warenkorb
Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 1

Current reception histories emphasize the world of Biblical readers, their socio-historical contexts, and the myriad effects of Biblical exegesis. This reception history studies interpretations of Jesus’ encounter with a Canaanite woman (Matt 15:21–28) as normative “scripts” that exhort specific types of compliance in a broad range of historical and cultural settings, revealing remarkably diverse understandings of Christian identity and community.
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