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Versandbuchhandlung für Evangelische Theologie

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Übersichtsseite Religionen
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Abrahamitische Religionen
Kommentare zu einzelnen Suren des Koran
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Aktuelle Bücher
Versandbedingungen /AGBs
Islam Koranausgaben / Kommentare zum Koran Koran und Bibel Islamunterricht / Islam für Kinder
Ramadan Institut Islamische Theologie Uni Osnabrück Christentum / Islam
Moschee Herders theologischer Koran-Kommentar Beiträge zur Koranforschnung Rationalität in der Islamischen Theologie
Koranarabisch Hadith Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Kommentare zu einzelnen Suren des Koran
Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics
Georges Tamer
Qur'anic Hermeneutics from the 13th to the 19th Century

de Gruyter, 2024, 500 Seiten, Hardcover,
149,95 EUR Warenkorb
Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 3

This project presents the hermeneutical approaches to the Qur?an of the most prominent Qur?anic scholars in Islamic intellectual history. Not only scholars who wrote commentaries on the Qur?an in the narrow sense of the word (tafasir) are to be presented, but also those who dealt hermeneutically with the Qur?an in various ways. The Handbook of Qur?anic Hermeneutics is the first book that discusses all the hermeneutical fields of the Qur?an. It will be published in seven volumes.
978-3-11-058165-2 Georges Tamer
Qur'anic Hermeneutics in the 19th and 20th Century

De Gruyter, 2023, 448 Seiten, Hardcover,
164,95 EUR Warenkorb
Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 4

The fourth volume of the groundbreaking Handbook of Qur?anic Hermeneutics comprises 29 chapters dealing with the hermeneutical approach to the Qur?an by Muslim authors of the 19th and 20th centuries. These authors had to deal with the changes and influences of modernity on Muslim society. Scientific progress and related developments in the natural sciences and humanities posed new questions and challenges to the traditional interpretation of the Qur?an.
The confrontation with the colonial period also shaped the way of thinking of some of these authors and their hermeneutical work. This led them to a search for identity and a reassessment of their own traditions and beliefs. Authors in this volume reflect on these historical experiences in their interpretation of the Qur?an.
The hermeneutical approaches to the Qur?an in this volume are, thus, closely linked to the social, political, and intellectual conditions in which the authors have done their work. They represent a response to the challenges and changes of their time. By critically engaging with modernity, scientific progress, and the colonial legacy, these authors contributed to understanding and interpreting Islam in a new context.
Table of Contents
    Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 1 Foundations, Discilpines and Eaerly Islamic Hermeneutics
    Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 2 Qur'anic Hermeneutics from the 9th to the 12th Century
    Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 5 Contemporaray Qur'anic Hermeneutics
    Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 6 Hermenutics by Non-Muslims
    Handbook of Qur'anic Hermenutics Vol 7 Indexes and Full Bibliography
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